NAS, Storage & Cloud Backup Solutions

Need help setting up a NAS server, Cloud Storage or both? We can recommend and set up the best data storage solutions for your business in ABU DHABI!

If your business relies on technology to communicate with customers and sell products or services, then your data is a valuable tool and must be stored and backed up safely. Choosing a suitable data backup and storage solution depends on the number of employees and the nature of your activity.

A NAS server is a physical device populated with hard drives, connected to the internet and residing in your office. As long as you are online you and your employees can safely access, share and backup your data remotely and on any type of device.
While NAS hardware, setup, and configuration might seem costlier at the beginning, it is a one-time investment that in the long run will prove to be a more sensible choice. And if you’re in it for the long run, then NAS is the one for you and your business.

Big scale Cloud Storage solutions offered by Microsoft (One Drive, Azure), Apple (iCloud), Google (Google Drive) and others eliminate the setup of any physical tech and can be accessed via an app or the web browser. Just as with NAS, the users can access, share, edit and backup their files against a monthly cost that, again, depends on the number of employees and the quantity of data generated.

While Cloud is scalable, requires no hardware and will generally have a user-friendly interface, NAS provides more file accessibility via tailored apps, smart TV, consoles, mobile devices, and network or HDMI access. Both solutions are secure and encrypted and rely on the internet connection. When deciding on the best option, long and short-term costs are a big variable, as well as whether you want to own or rent your data storage space.

How we can help you with your data storage:

We will help you source, set up and configure a NAS server by evaluating your storage capacity needs and the nature of your business. A proper NAS backup and storage solution will safeguard your business against data loss and will allow minimal to no downtime or disruptions.

As experts in cloud solutions (Microsoft partner), we will make sure to recommend and set up a Cloud storage option that will complement the way you work. This setup will also allow you to scale up when you’re ready in just a few clicks. We can help you with everything from a simple email migration to building a tailored private cloud storage.

We also have the expertise at integrating cloud with on-premise data storage, to make sure that your data is always secured and easily recovered. This will provide you with more flexibility and a combination of Cloud and NAS features, such as the way you access and view your files, the ability to control viewership and editor rights and many more.